Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Keep You Motivated


The new year has started, and the time for you to get working on a new you has begun.

We all know that chasing after fitness or wellness goals can be a very difficult task. The time it takes to see or feel any significant change in your body may take a long time. It may even often feel like your daily efforts are unrewarded.

It can be unmotivating whenever you look in the mirror and you feel as if you haven’t changed that much since last year, knowing that your past promises to yourself have all but gone with the wind.

Lack of progress may leave you feeling hopeless. It can leave you feeling like what you’re doing just isn’t worth the effort.

However, this is completely normal. “Join the club” as they say. It’s all part of the process of accomplishing your goals. What you are now is not the end result. So keep going! You’ve got this!

Reaching your goals is difficult, but don’t forget that you only fail when you stop trying. It can be hard to be motivated especially if you know that you have a lot of work cut out for you. But remember that anything worth worrying over is worth achieving.

How to Conquer Your Bad Habits Once and For All

If you’re human, you’ll have bad habits. They can range from the smallest thing – something that may only irritate the people closest to you – to issues that are wide-ranging and impact upon much of your life. What’s certain is that bad habits, however seemingly insignificant, are barriers to your living your most fulfilled and healthy lifestyle – one that’s free from the prison of your unchecked desires.

In this article, then, you’ll learn how you can get over bad habits, banishing them into the distant mists of time, and enabling you to get back onto your path towards self-actualization.

Review Your Lifestyle

The first step in any review of your habits – good and bad – is to take a hard, honest look at yourself and your lifestyle. Where are you going wrong, and what is leading you towards the bad decisions that can make you ill, or knock you out of kilter to the extent that you need a week to recover from your choices?

If you’re able to be fully honest with yourself, and upfront with the way in which you dissect your lifestyle, you’ll be able to pinpoint the ways in which you’re letting yourself down. That may be through drinks or drugs, or through smaller poor habits like overeating, or neglecting to care for your fitness. Whatever you discover will lead you to the second stage.

Get Trusted Advice

While we may be ignorant and blind to our own deficiencies and bad habits, there’s no doubt that our friends and family – those who have been by your side for some years – are more than able to lay out to us what they think may be holding us back. Their silence is not bad – they want you to be ready to change yourself before they offer you feedback on your behavior.

So, the next step in your recovery process is to talk with those family members or friends that you truly trust, and engage them on the topic of your habits. They may have been holding back from giving you the feedback you need, and this is their cue to respond with their own concerns and guidance – invaluable in the face of your confronting your issues once and for all.

Find Expert Help

The final step, especially for those who are suffering from habits that are clearly holding them back – but are difficult to break – is to find professional and expert advice to help them into a new lifestyle, free from the constraints of unhealthy and disruptive patterns of behavior. You’re looking, essentially, at a form of rehabilitation that will get you back on the straight and narrow path to self-fulfillment.

You can look into the latest new detox facility in Tampa to see what services they have to offer those who may be in need of guidance in this important and difficult stage in their lives. You’ll receive the support that you need – and a program to suit your specific case – in order to conquer your bad habits and progress to a new stage in your life.

If you’re looking to eliminate bad habits from your life, you’ll be best-placed to do so if you follow the advice listed above – designed to give you the freedom to take control of your lifestyle and your choices.

Tips to Keep You Motivated for Your 2020 Wellness Goals

To continue your fitness goals this year, we’ll discuss a few tips to help keep you motivated.

Keep Your Goals Realistic

One of the most common mistakes that people make when going down the path of wellness is being impatient. Impatience will lead people into thinking that results can be obtained fast and easy, which can skew expectations significantly.

Setting a goal can help alleviate that craving for immediate results. It can be as simple as losing a certain amount of weight or eating a certain amount of specific types of food per week.

The thing about goals, however, is that long-term ones can be unmotivating. The amount of time big goals require can be daunting and again, it can make you feel like you’re not making any progress at all.

This is why you should keep your goals realistic and attainable.

One way to do this is by starting with smaller goals first that eventually build up into your main goal. If your main goal is to become physically fit by year’s end, you can make going to the gym or exercising at home either a weekly or daily goal.

If you want to start a diet, you can begin by preparing a list of food that you should be eating. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and nutrients that can boost your immune system.

Meanwhile, dietary supplements can help you lose or gain weight more effectively. Some supplements can fortify your body, like cranberry pills for vaginal health. Just be sure to consult a health care professional before taking any supplements.

By setting small goals that can be achieved relatively quickly, you’ll have something to chase every day. These efforts will eventually culminate into the primary goal that you’ve set for yourself.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Your attitude plays a big part in your journey for a healthier you. It can affect how motivated you are to actually pursue your goals. A sour attitude can end a wellness journey before it can even begin.

More importantly, your attitude is also a contributing factor to your overall health. Many experts, including the World Health Organization, have acknowledged the link between physical and mental health and how one can affect the other.

A positive attitude can be very helpful for keeping you motivated, especially if you plan on doing tasks that are physically taxing like exercise.

There’s no need to overthink anything. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Negative thoughts will only hinder your progress.

One good way of staying positive is by surrounding yourself with people who are supportive of your goals. If you plan on becoming a regular at a gym, you can try finding a gym partner to make your workout sessions more enjoyable and less tedious.

If you plan on dieting, try looking for someone who knows how to maintain a proper diet so you have someone to ask for advice. Or you can also have someone actively encourage you to keep your diet going. No need to force yourself to eat foods you don’t like- it’s not sustainable. Find healthy recipes that you enjoy!

In addition to this, you can try to cut ties with toxic people or ignore those who are looking down on your efforts to be better. This way, you can focus more on what’s good for you and less on negative comments from others.

Form Good Habits

Forming good habits is essential to success when it comes to improving your overall wellness. Making good health practices a part of your habits can make the hardest parts of your daily routine easier. However, it can take anywhere between 18 to 254 days before a habit forms, which may seem too long or too difficult for some people.

One of the best ways to form a habit is to change your environment. The objects in your environment can serve as visual cues that trigger your impulses. For instance, a TV remote on the couch can compel you to lie down and binge-watch a new series, junk food in your refrigerator can make you crave unhealthy snacks, and so on.

If you’ve ever noticed that certain objects around you can make you want to do something that’s counter-productive for your wellness goals, then it’s high time that you get rid of them.

You can replace these with cues that can help you work towards your wellness goals instead. You can fill your fridge with healthily prepared meals to help you maintain your diet, or you can prepare your gym bag a night before going to the gym and place it somewhere that’s easy to see.

You’ll be able to form good habits quicker if you replace negative cues with positive ones. Once your habits are formed, you’ll be able to work on your fitness goals more comfortably instead of having them feel like you’re doing chores.

Consistency Is the Key

Ultimately, the one thing that will determine if you succeed in reaching your wellness goals is whether or not you’re consistent. In order to see any positive results, you need to make significant changes to your lifestyle that will allow space for consistency.

This is what makes habit formation such an important step whenever wellness is concerned. A single day’s worth of healthy living won’t yield much, nor will a single week. Even after you achieve your goals, you’ll still need to retain the lifestyle you’ve developed so you don’t slip back into your previous state of being.


There are many sources of motivation. For instance, emotional motivation can come from a personal and specific place. But sometimes, good health is enough to keep some people going.

If you ever start to feel unmotivated, ask yourself: Why am I doing this?

Many people tend to forget why they started their wellness journey when faced with adversity. Remember why you began working out or why you changed your diet in the first place. Remember what you felt back in that moment where you decided to commit to making yourself better.

Once you reach your goal, you’ll look back and realize that it was worth the effort after all.

About Shannon Clark

Shannon holds a degree in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer and fitness writer with over 10 years of industry experience.

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