How to Overcome Post COVID-19 Symptoms

covid tests


The pandemic hit the world quite quickly, and no nation escaped as it ran it’s course. During the entire pandemic in Ukraine, for example, more than 5 million people became ill with coronavirus, of which 110+ thousand could not overcome the disease and died due to illness or complications.

Unfortunately, this figure changes minute by minute because the COVID-19 has not disappeared from our lives. Post COVID-19 syndrome is a complex problem that requires the involvement of several specialists.

Many tests can be done on the COVID-19 at home, you can buy them on the site gentaur. But people neglect even home tests and confuse COVID-19 with the common flu. It leads to bad consequences, and the human immune system suffers.

You should still buy a COVID-19 test and make sure the potential problem is detected.  It may just save the lives of you and your loved ones, because a timely detection of COVID-19 is for the safety of you and your loved ones.

Post COVID-19 symptoms are observed in the elderly and those with chronic diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, etc. but increasingly in young people, even if they are asymptomatic or mild.

According to the World Health Organization, most patients with COVID-19 return to their previous state of health. How many people today suffer from the long-term effects of coronavirus disease remains unknown.

The most common symptoms, such as constant tiredness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, coughing, headache, impaired concentration, etc., can accompany a person for a long time, even after recovery.

Who Needs Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is only needed after severe cases of covid, where the following consequences may occur:

  •  lung dysfunction;
  •  muscle weakness;
  •  disorders of swallowing, voice, and communication;
  •  mental health disorders, etc.

Recovery after covid will include a comprehensive therapy based on an individual approach to each person and treatment definition. In addition, you need to start training exercises, activities aimed at improving physical and psychological conditions.

Rehabilitation in the acute period is extremely important for patients with severe coronavirus disease. The need for rehabilitation for patients with COVID-19 is determined by the doctor individually for each case.

Appointments vary depending on the course of the disease, the presence of comorbidities, and the recovery period. COVID-19 patients require rehabilitation both during their hospital stay and after discharge.

The Most Common Persistent Symptoms

  1. Lung problems. More than 70% of people with COVID 19 have various abnormal lung changes that doctors can detect by X-ray, CT, and MRI of the chest. Any obvious symptoms do not always accompany these abnormalities. However, about one in three people with post-COVID-19 complain of shortness of breath, and one in ten complains of an obsessive cough.
  1. Loss of concentration, memory impairment, and other neurological manifestations. The sharp decline in cognitive functions has also received a separate name – brain fog. A person’s memory and attention deteriorate, the speed of reactions decreases, the sense organs fail, there are difficulties learning habitual work. .
  1. Sleep problems. Insomnia, too sensitive, intermittent sleep, a constant feeling as if not asleep – about this complains about every fourth person with post-COVID-19.
  1. Mental disorders. Systematic reviews confirm a strong link between coronavirus infection and the development of mental illness. The most common disorder, scientists called “generalized anxiety disorder,” which doctors find in every third case of post-COVID-19. In addition, people often develop depression (about one in five) and post-traumatic stress disorder (about one in eight).
  1. Constant severe fatigue and muscle weakness. Every third person with a post-COVID-19 complains of such symptoms. Deficiency is so pronounced that many find it difficult to even go to the nearest store. And after such an outing, a person feels as if he has just conquered a high mountain. But the problem is not limited to this. Weakness is often accompanied by pain in the joints or muscles – each of these symptoms is complained of by about 12% of people who have recovered.
  1. Cardiovascular problems. Chest pain and rapid heartbeat are the most common cardiovascular disorders after COVID-19. They occur in about one in ten.
  1. Persistent gastrointestinal disorders. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting – these symptoms persist in about 9%.
  1. Skin and hair problems. According to statistics collected by scientists, one in five patients complain of hair loss. And about every 40th person develops a skin rash.
  1. Sore throat. It has been haunting for months about 5% of people who have recovered from COVID-19

What to Do for Faster Covid Recovery

  1. Take your time. Return to the former pace of life gradually, step by step. And be prepared to give back at any moment if you suddenly feel unwell. It is necessary to monitor the state of health very carefully and not to chase labor and sports feats ahead of time.
  1. Rest more. This is the standard recommendation for recovery from any viral infection. Do not overwork, do not take work home on weekends, relax and socialize with friends.
  1. Sleep at least 8 hours. Insomnia is destructive: it impairs memory reduces concentration and efficiency. Some studies show that people who sleep less than six hours a day die from any health problems 22% more often than those who sleep eight hours.
  1. Limit the load. Both physical and mental. For example, in post-COVID-19syndrome, exercise and the desire to lead an active lifestyle can significantly worsen overall health. So give up the gym and jog! At least for a few weeks after it seemed to you that you had recovered.
  1. Avoid psychological problems. Stress, like COVID-19 himself, often stimulates the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. And in general, anxiety and nervousness have a bad effect on health. They are often the cause of headaches, weakness, and disorders of the cardiovascular system, thus slowing down recovery from illness. Try to compose and carefully follow the plan. This will make your life more predictable and reduce stress.
  1. Eat well. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements are the “bricks” with which your body repairs the damage caused by the virus. Do not leave your body without building material.


Like the flu or even the common cold, covid-19 may also cause persistent ongoing health issues after contraction. Trouble sleeping, persistent cough or sore throat, and even mental issues may linger after major symptoms subside.

Thankfully though, like the common cold and flu, most people recover just fine. Contrary to official numbers, less people also died of covid-19 than we’re being told. Much of the fear is overreaction, mostly due to poor government response and policy and fake news from mainstream media outlets.

That said, getting sick with covid-19 (if you believe it exists), is certainly no fun. The flu and common cold is no fun either. But if you are suffering from lasting health issues after covid-19 or the flu/cold, you may need to seek a specialist and at minimum make some lifestyle changes.

Don’t hesitate to follow the tips in this guide, but if you truly are suffering and feel you need solutions beyond simple lifestyle changes, please don’t wait to see your doctor. Catching things early will help ensure you don’t experience any lasting damage to your body or mind.


Our team does not have the qualifications to properly vet the accuracy of information on this new and ever-developing topic, so it’s best to get your information directly from official health organizations. That said, not all our team members believe the official data or science regarding COVID-19 and many of us have more questions than answers. Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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