Medical Spine Center in Bangkok

Medical Spine Center in Bangkok

As humans, our evolution is long and complex. Our first upright walking ancestors date back around 2 million years, today we know them as homo erectus. This early human migrated across the continents, with their last known existence being around 250,000 years ago. From then on, we see the existence of the human beings of today, homo sapiens.

For many years evolutional theory told us that homo erectus to homo sapiens was a seamless evolution. But now, there is an alternative theory that homo sapiens actually evolved separately from homo sapiens. Whichever theory is correct, the two species of man shared many similar physical attributes. The two main ones being anatomical appearance and mobility.

Whether one species evolved from the other, or as separate species, their ability to walk upright and their multi posture mobility is a result of one thing. The way in which their bodies supporting column evolved. This evolved into an intricate, complex, S shaped structure which, today, we call the spine. 

Understanding the Spine

The spine certainly is a complex part of the human body. At birth a baby the spine is made up of 33 individual, interlocking bones, we know them as vertebrae. As the baby grows and develops through childhood to fully grown adult, some of these vertebrae fuse together. As a result, the adult human has 24 vertebrae.

As the spine grows and develops into its adult S shaped structure, it can be viewed as having 5 distinct sections. From the top of the spine down, these sections are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. Each of these sections plays a vital part in maintaining posture and mobility.

The other essential function of the spine is that of a defender. The spinal column protects the spinal cord, and its 31 pairs of spinal nerves. These nerves transmit autonomic and motor sensory signals that travel from the brain to the spinal cord, and then, throughout the entire body. And, as a conduit of nerve impulses, it is a two-way traffic system.

Not only is the brain, via the spinal cord and the nervous system, sending signals around the body, governing all of its functions, but it is also receiving signals. All of the body’s senses rely on the conveyance of signals back through the spinal cord to the brain. It is the spinal column that protects this intricate network of nerves vital to the human’s everyday functions.

Obviously understanding the functions of the spine is as complex as the structure itself. Thankfully, there is an assembled team of world class experts in this complex area of medicine. This team can be found at the Medical Spine Center in Bangkok. This is a world leading facility, state-of-the-art, and accessible to all. 

Typical Spinal Conditions

The Medical Spine Center in Bangkok treats a multitude of health issues related to the spine and has become particularly renown in its groundbreaking treatments for scoliosis, which is the most common for of spinal deformity. Globally, it is thought that up to 5% of the population suffer with the condition, with Germany the country that reports the highest rate of sufferers.

Osteoporosis is another common form of spinal suffering treated with great success at the center. It is estimated that around 200 million people across the world suffer with this condition. It is often referred to as the “Silent Disease.” This being because there are no visual or sensory signals that the condition is present. Its existence is most often not realized until a person breaks a bone.

Much more serious, but thankfully much rarer, are spinal tumors, spinal growths, and spinal cancer. Tumors and cancers of the spine can be benign or malignant, and both forms require expert diagnostics and treatment. Radiation, stereotactic radiotherapy, proton therapy and surgery are all options in treating these conditions. As no two cases are exactly the same, the center’s team will individualize each treatment plan to suit each patient.

Back pain is a common complaint addressed at the Medical Spine Center and can be caused by any number of reasons. Pinched nerves, bulging or degenerative discs, spinal stenosis, bone spurs, arthritis and sciatica are some common causes. Treatment for such conditions maybe non-surgical, however, very often a minimally invasive surgical procedure will be required to relieve pressure between the vertebrae. This procedure, lasting up to an hour, is known as decompression surgery. 

Decompression surgery can be conducted as one of four techniques. A laminoplasty Involves the reshaping of part of a vertebral lamina. Lamination, which requires a small hole to be made in the lamina. Laminectomy, this surgical technique removes part of the vertebrae. Spinal fusion is the fourth surgical option, this is where two or more vertebrae are permanently joined together.

Slipped or herniated discs are quite common, up to 5% of the population over 30 years of age will experience this painful condition. This is when the nucleus pulposus of a disc herniates, or pushes through, a weak part of the spine. The subsequent pressure imposed on nearby nerves, and the spinal cord can cause immense pain. 

Usually occurring in the lower back, and as a result of trauma or strain, a herniated disc can also cause weakness in the arms and legs. Anti-inflammatory and pain reduction medication will likely be prescribed, along with rest. Physical therapy is very typical, and in some cases epidural steroids, via injection may be administered.

In most cases a herniated disc will correct itself in time, however, in the few cases where it persists, a minimally invasive surgical procedure can correct the problem. This can be done by spinal fusion, or by a microdiscectomy. This is where a skilled surgeon will remove small fragments of the disc, bone, and or ligament to relieve the pressure on the nerves.

The Medical Spine Center in Bangkok also treats a growing number of patients experiencing failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). This condition is growing ever more common. The International Association for the Study of Pain classifies it as lumbar spinal pain of unknown origin that persists post-surgical procedure.

Failure of a previous surgical procedure might be for any number of reasons. Treating FBSS requires the highly developed diagnostic skills of the center’s professional team. The team of multi disciplined professionals will draw up an individualized plan of reappraisal, and further appropriate treatment of the condition. Regardless of its cause, FBSS is an area of spinal health in which the Medical Spine Center in Bangkok, as part of the Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, excel. It is through their excellence that thousands of people from across the world have gained relief from spinal health issues.