8 Things to Do Every Day to Support Better Overall Health

man doing yoga stretch

Health should be a top priority for all of us, but it often takes a backseat to other priorities like work and family. Fortunately, there are many habits you can follow every day to improve your health incrementally.

If you have even a few extra minutes every day, you can fold these strategies into your regular routine – and start seeing a meaningful difference in your life after just a few weeks.

What to Do Every Day to Support Better Overall Health

These are some of the best things you can do every day to support better overall health:

1. Get exercise.

The benefits of physical exercise are well documented, and they seem to exist for almost any conceivable type of exercise. Whether you lift weights, swim, bike, or just briskly walk around your neighborhood, if you exercise at a challenging pace for at least 20 minutes per day, you can start reaping the benefits. Improved cardiovascular health, better bone health, lower risk for obesity, and higher lifespan are just the beginning. You’ll also feel more energy, and you’ll be less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. Exercise is also a great way to deal with stress. No matter what the rest of your schedule looks like, you should find at least some time for physical activity.

2. Brush and floss.

Your oral health is important for your ability to eat – and it can influence your overall health as well. Thankfully, proper dental care is convenient and accessible. One of the best ways to preserve your teeth is to brush twice a day and floss once a day; these simple habits only take a few minutes, but they can greatly reduce your chances of having tooth decay. If you do end up with missing or broken teeth, dental implants in Sacramento may be able to replace them with functionally identical, artificial alternatives. But it’s better to be proactive here.

3. Drink water.

Our bodies are made of mostly water, so it only makes sense that we should be drinking lots of it. Drinking ample quantities of water keeps you hydrated, allowing you to think clearer, it helps your organs function normally and without strain, and it allows your body to more easily filter out unwanted or unneeded materials. It’s hard to drink too much water, so drink as much as you can.

4. Eat less junk.

Junk foods are foods that have significant caloric value – but with little nutritional value to justify those calories. These are things like sugary sodas, ice cream, and fast food. It’s much easier to overeat junk foods than other types of foods because they’re so tasty, and many junk foods have harmful ingredients that can be damaging to your overall health. There’s nothing wrong with eating junk food occasionally, but you shouldn’t be eating it in high quantities or at a high frequency.

5. Eat more vegetables.

Instead, you should eat your vegetables. Most vegetables are very good for your health, providing you with a variety of micronutrients and minimal caloric value. Broccoli, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are especially beneficial here – but almost any vegetables you eat are going to be valuable.

6. Have fun with a hobby or interest.

There’s a danger in working too hard. Many people underestimate the role that fun can have in your overall health; if you don’t have enough time for personal hobbies or interests, you could eventually suffer from more stress, resulting in a cascade of different health issues. Try to make time for something enjoyable at least once per day, whether that means skateboarding at the local park or watching a standup comedian.

7. Socialize.

Strong social relationships are also important for your health, so take some time each day to strengthen your existing relationships and start new ones. A simple “hello” to a friend or short conversation with a stranger could be exactly what you need.

8. Sleep (as fully as possible).

Adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to remain healthy. Unfortunately, many of us never clock this amount. If you want to stay as healthy as possible, consider going to bed earlier and making cuts to other schedule items so you have plenty of time to sleep.

Enforcing the Habit

If you want to be successful in positively transforming your health, it’s important to turn these daily strategies into consistent habits. Habits are difficult to create sometimes, but once in place, it’s incredibly hard to break them.

The best way to turn something into a habit is to do it at the same time every day, without fail, for at least a couple of weeks. With enough repetitions, you’ll start engaging in these behavioral patterns without thinking about them. From there, your health management will get significantly easier.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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