Can Working Out Help Treat Prostate Issues?


Prostate issues are directly or indirectly linked with aging and are quite common in men above 50. This tiny, walnut-sized gland is quite notorious and can give real troubles to the middle-aged men and the elderly.

However, it’s not that every time these problems get as severe as prostate cancer. You can keep the issues in check with proper diet and regular exercise, according to many people, who have experienced positive effects of the same.

Exercises to Keep Your Prostate Issues in Check

So, let’s get to the bottom of this and know about the exercises that can help keep prostate issues in check:

Kegel exercises

When the prostate gland gets enlarged, the urethra opening closes, causing trouble in urinating and incontinence. As the pelvic muscles need to apply force to push the urine out, they get weakened over time. Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, thus indirectly helping you prevent any aggravation of the issue.

The pelvic floor muscles can also get weakened by diabetes, prostate surgery, or other issues, and Kegels help increase their strength and get rid of urinary problems. However, you need to practice Kegels for quite some time to start noticing positive results, and you also have to do them right.

Yoga poses

A few scientific studies have revealed that yoga can reduce the chances of developing prostate issues in men. It can also reduce the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH. The yoga poses that work on your pelvic floor muscles and increases their strength are quite useful in preventing complications.

Let’s give you an idea about some of these poses:

    • Virasana (Hero Pose)– This helps release pelvic tension around the gland and can be practiced while sitting.
    • Baddha Konasana(Cobbler Pose) – Besides releasing pelvic tension, it also enhances the flexibility of the inner thighs, the groin area, and the knees.
    • Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-knee Pose)– According to many experts, it increases blood flow to the prostate area, thus detoxifying it to a good extent.
    • Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose) – Besides strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, this posture also improves strength and flexibility in the abdominal region and lower back.

Traditional exercises

Apart from practicing the aforementioned postures and Kegels, you should also develop a regular work out regime consisting of traditional exercises, like jumping, running, walking, skipping, etc to stay fit. You can also take some effective drugs like prostagenix that are said to have tremendous positive effects on the people suffering from prostate issues. Talk to the experts before taking any decision though.

How Does Exercise Help With Prostate Issues?

If you still have your doubts regarding the effectiveness of exercise in treating prostate issues, you can take a look at the following benefits:

  • They prevent BPH– If you are more active physically, you can keep prostate issues at bay. Remember, prostate issues are common in the elderly, but never inevitable.
  • Treating Prostatitis– Aerobics, walking, jogging and other exercises help reduce the symptoms of Prostatitis to a great extent.
  • Get rid of obesity – As mentioned before, diabetes and obesity can increase the chances of developing prostate issues with time. Regular exercise and a proper diet can reduce such issues to a huge extent and help in staying fit.
  • Reduce side effects –Exercises can also help reduce the side effects of prostate cancer treatments, which may lead to the weakening of muscles, accumulation of fat, and osteoporosis that hampers bone health.
  • Reduce mortality – An increase in rigorous physical activity by people suffering from localized prostate cancer can reduce their chances of mortality to a huge extent. Just stay strong and keep doing what you need to, and you can emerge victorious in the race of life with time.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles are one of the primary aims of exercise and yoga, which helps prevent urinary incontinence or the loss of power in the bladder.

If you’re experiencing urinary leaks while coughing, sneezing, and laughing or even talking loudly, you should consult your doctor, apart from continuing with the exercises.

A doctor may recommend prescription medication, Men’s Liberty catheters, pads, or other adult incontinence products to help manage its symptoms.

A few precautions that you should take while exercising for prostate issues are:

  • Don’t overstress– If you experience fatigue, you should drop the exercise for the day and take rest. This will prevent other complications, like muscle soreness and aches.
  • Weight-lifting– If you have osteoporosis, it’s better to consult your doctor or gym trainer regarding weight-lifting exercises to prevent aggravating the issues.
  • Prevent fractures– If you have prostate cancer, you shouldn’t practice certain exercises that can increase your chances of bone metastases.
  • Neuropathy – Certain cancer treatments can cause peripheral neuropathy, which leads to a loss of sensation or numbness in the muscles. If you’re experiencing such symptoms, it’s best to stay careful while lifting weights and practicing similar exercises.


There’s no need to worry your mind off regarding your prostate issues. Talk to your physician, a urologist, and a therapist, if needed to wipe away all negativity and fight the problem with greater vigor.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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