How to Stay Fit & Healthy During Cancer Treatment


Cancer treatment comes with a myriad of side effects. Although it varies from person to person, you might find yourself dealing with hair loss, infections, depression, blood clots, etc.

It is very important that you stay fit and healthy to lower the risks of infection, avoid remission, and hopefully attain complete recovery.

Are you wondering how to go about it? Well, we will share some essential things to do as you go through treatment.

Maintain Hygiene

Cancer treatment comes with a number of side effects. For example, one of them is what is known as neutropenia, which is essentially a decrease in the number of white blood cells.

Sadly, it can lead to infections because chemotherapy kills the white blood cells that help your body fight infections. You can try your best to lower your risk of secondary infections by taking measures like:

    • Protecting yourself from cuts by avoiding sharp objects. Always wear gloves when necessary.
    • Getting a flu shot
    • Washing your hands and body often with warm water and mild soap.

Make Healthy Choices

Again, cancer treatment knocks down your immune system. So, you will need to maintain a healthy diet to try and avoid infections or other diseases.

This is the time to learn about the different types of food and how it interacts with your system. You are likely battling nausea, neutropenia, constipation diarrhea, etc.

It is advisable to consult a doctor and a nutritionist to create a healthy meal plan or diet. Generally, you will need to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption, up your fiber intake, and avoid consumption of alcohol.

Talk to a Lawyer

Are you suffering from cancer due to negligence? There are so many cases of cancer caused by other drugs that were meant to cure something else.

A good example is if you have stomach cancer from Zantac, a medication meant to treat heartburn. Unfortunately, many individuals do not know what to do in such a case and carry the burden alone. In this case, you should consider filing heartburn medication lawsuits to seek compensation from the manufacturers.

If you believe you are suffering owing to negligence from any party, then talk to a lawyer to help you fight for your rights as you recover. Working with an attorney can help lift off the financial, emotional burden and help you stay healthy as you receive treatment.

All in all, seeking compensation can offer you some piece of mind during your treatment, especially when it’s justified. Staying healthy and fit isn’t just about physical health, your circumstances are also going to take a toll on your mental and financial health.

Participate in Routine Exercises

Experts have found that staying active during treatment reduces pain and depression, plus it improves your physical function.

Exercises keep your bones strong, reduces fatigue, and lowers your risk of heart disease and obesity. However, it would be best if you talked to your doctor before starting any exercise.

You can start with strength and cardio exercises at least two or three days a week as your aim to do more.

Reach Out for Support

Do not be afraid to reach out for support when undergoing treatment. Keep in mind that the treatment can take a toll on you, demanding that you rest and relax.

Don’t try worrying or doing everything by yourself. Straining yourself will only cause harm and curtail the healing process.

Allow your family and friends to be there for you. Since, it affects everyone around you, allowing your close circle to support you gives them joy and peace of mind.


Being told you have cancer can be scary. It is understandable that going through treatment stirs a different level of emotions, worry, and sadness. While it can be overwhelming, the key is to accept, then try to stay positive and healthy during treatment.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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