Returning to Exercise after An Injury

runner stretching


Injuries are a regrettable but inevitable feature of the running experience. Every runner has experienced the difficulty of starting exercise again after an injury, whether it be from a persistent knee ache, a pulled muscle, or a more serious condition.

Although the procedure may seem overwhelming, you may resume your running goals and return to the track with perseverance, good planning, and the correct attitude.

We’ll go over the in this extensive article, which will help you find your stride again and develop a stronger, more robust body.

Techniques for a Successful Post-Injury Return to Running

1. Follow Your Health Care Provider’s Recommendations

First and foremost, it is important to listen to the recommendations made by your health care provider. If you have experienced a severe injury such as a broken leg, you may require physical therapy to regain mobility, strength, and range of motion before returning to your regular exercise routine. Depending on the severity of your injuries your provider may restrict your activity level for some time, and you should not attempt to exercise until they have approved it.

2. Pay Attention to Your Body

Throughout the recuperation process, it’s critical to pay close attention to your body. Your body uses pain or discomfort as a warning when something is off. Anytime you feel pain while doing something, stop right away. Ignoring discomfort may result in more harm and could require more time to heal.

Apply the RICE protocol as needed. Your body needs rest to repair itself, ice to soothe inflammation, compression to provide support, and elevation to lessen swelling. In order to facilitate healing, your healthcare practitioner could also advise using orthotics or braces.

3. Establish a Strong Base

It’s important to rebuild your physical base before you start jogging again. Start with low-impact activities like cycling, swimming, or walking. These exercises support the maintenance of cardiovascular fitness without overly taxing the area that is damaged.

As your body gets stronger, gradually up the amount and intensity of these exercises. During this period, cross-training, a mix of exercises that complement running, can also be helpful. It guarantees that your general fitness levels stay constant and helps prevent overuse issues.

4. Make Realistic Objectives

It’s critical to control expectations and establish reasonable objectives. According to research published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, runners who establish and meet short-term objectives during their recuperation report higher levels of motivation and better commitment to their treatment plans. It’s critical to realize that resuming running will take time.

Start out at reasonable distances and concentrate on developing your form and technique. You can gradually increase your mileage as you gain endurance and confidence. Setting attainable goals lowers the possibility of frustration and disappointment.

5. Be Aware of Your Hydration and Nutrition

For the prevention and healing of injuries, proper diet and water are crucial. Vitamins, minerals, and proteins are among the nutrients that are essential for tissue repair. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, proper nutrition increases the chances of a safe return after injury by minimizing surgical complications and other problems due to injury. Maintaining enough hydration lowers the incidence of cramps and sprains while ensuring that your joints and muscles work at their best. If necessary, seek the advice of a nutritionist to make sure your diet is in line with your recovery objectives.

6. Wear Appropriate Footwear

Shoes are the most important item you will need. The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society states that wearing the right shoes significantly decreases the chance of injury. To choose the ideal pair that fits your running style and foot type, speak with experts at a running store. The support and cushioning that proper footwear provides lower the chance of injury. In order to keep your shoes functional, think about getting new ones on a frequent basis.

7. Continue Your Regular Stretching Program

For both injury prevention and healing, flexibility is essential. Regularly perform dynamic and static stretches as part of your stretching practices. Static stretches are good for increasing the range of motion and easing tight muscles. These stretches can be included in your warm-up. Regain your flexibility gradually to make sure you have the range of motion required for safe running.

8. Track Your Progress

To monitor your development, keep an extensive workout journal. Keep track of your workout schedule, your feelings during each session, any pain or discomfort, and any insights you gain about your recuperation. You and your healthcare practitioner can use this record as an invaluable tool to make timely modifications to your rehab plan as needed.

9. Seek Emotional Assistance

Resuming a fitness routine following an injury can be emotionally taxing. Feelings like frustration, anxiety, or dread of being injured again are frequent. To help you manage these feelings, ask a coach, a running group, or even a therapist for support. You can remain mentally strong and motivated throughout with the help of emotional support.

10. Slowly Resume Running

When you are eventually cleared to go back to jogging, go slowly. Start with controlled, slow, and brief runs. A run-walk approach is frequently advised as a place to start. As your body adjusts, extend your running duration while decreasing your walking intervals. This method facilitates a seamless return to running while reducing the chance of overexertion.


Resuming exercise after an injury is a difficult process, but with the correct strategy and frame of mind, it is entirely possible.

You can overcome injuries and confidently continue your running journey by carefully adhering to medical specialists’ recommendations, exercising patience, and gradually increasing your strength and endurance.

Recovering from an injury should be seen as a chance to become a more informed and resilient runner. Accept the process, be persistent, and focus on your running objectives.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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