Signs You Need Physical Therapy To Recover From An Injury



If you work out regularly or play sports, injuries are an integral part of your lifestyle. There are chances to encounter them even if you are cautious about every single movement.

While recovery happens naturally for most of the injuries you may get, you may need help for the more serious ones. If you fail to address them on time, you can experience long-term issues.

It is vital to understand when you need physical therapy because timely help can speed up recovery. Moreover, it can help you retain the quality of life even during the recovery phase. It can also save you from further aggravation.

Unfortunately, most fitness enthusiasts fail to recognize the signs of severe injuries and delay rehab treatment. Here are the symptoms that you need physical therapy to recover from an injury.

Top Five Signs You Need Physical Therapy

Sharp Pain

Less severe injuries often cause dull pain, which is easy to treat with ice packs and rest. But sharp pain is a reason to worry because it indicates muscle strain or stress. It is crucial to treat the underlying injury causing acute pain that does not subside with rest. You cannot get back with your fitness regime until things do not get better. It makes sense to see a therapist at the earliest for long-term resolution. They will diagnose the root cause of the pain and decide whether the problem is severe enough to require rehab. Further, they can recommend the right mix of rest, rehab, and exercise to address the pain for good.

Recurring Pain

At times, your pain may subside with rest, medications, and ice packs initially. But it returns once you start exercising again. Although you may want to overlook the issue, it is the worst you can do. There is a chance that your problem will get only worse over time if you overlook it in the early stages. The best approach is to connect with a specialist who can recommend the right kind of treatment and exercises to speed up recovery. For example, they will suggest using a shoulder pulley for moving your injured shoulder. These exercises not only help with recovery but also strengthen weak muscles. You end up resolving the injury and having stronger muscles in the long run.

Medication Does Not Help

Most people take over-the-counter painkillers to deal with common injuries. You may even get a recommendation from your physician if it seems to be more serious. But you need to worry if medications do not seem to work even as you take them regularly. It is a sign that the injury is more complicated than it appears on the surface. There is always a risk of overusing painkillers if you continue using them for the long haul. You can even experience some harmful side effects with their extended use. Seeing a therapist for rehab treatment is the best advice to follow. It will enable you to get real benefits and steer clear of the side effects of pain killers as well.

Changes in Appearance

Another sign that you must not overlook is a change in the physical appearance of an injured area. It is easy to ignore small signs, so you need to know what you have to look for. Check for visible signs such as bruises, local swelling, and inflammation on the affected area. Even small signs are a reason to worry, and you must not overlook the symptom at any cost. The area may be tender to touch, even if you do not see anything amiss on the spot of the injury. Do not ignore any sign, no matter how insignificant it appears. A physical therapist is the right person to assess the underlying condition and recommend a treatment regimen accordingly.

Performance Issues

No one understands your body better than you do, and even the slightest change in your performance can ring warning bells. It is even more disconcerting if you are an athlete who needs to be extra conscious and regular with fitness sessions. A swollen knee or a frozen shoulder can compromise your movement and performance. Consider it as a serious symptom, even if you have minimal pain in the affected area. The best approach is to get rehab treatment right away so that you can get your performance on track at the earliest. It is possible only if you resolve the real reason affecting your performance rather than keep trying without help.

The Takeaway

Sports and fitness buffs must take the smallest injuries seriously. Failing to address them on time is the worst thing you can do because they can disrupt your schedule and possibly even develop into a chronic problem.

You may end up with lower fitness levels sooner rather than later. Consider how painful it can get to lose out on months of hard work because of an injury. Fortunately, it is easy to handle these problems with timely help and guidance from a professional therapist.

But ultimately, everything boils down to detecting your symptoms early and not overlooking them until they get worst. Watch out for the signs in this article and get help at the earliest. A physical therapist can address your issue and prescribe appropriate treatment to get you back on track..

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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