7 Amazing Tips of Fast Muscle Recovery After Workout

Have you been avoiding workouts due to the long muscle recovery time? Then here are 7 amazing tips for fast muscle recovery after a workout.

Starting a workout program can be hard enough, but working out with sore muscles can be even more challenging.

After a workout, it can take anywhere between twenty-four to forty-eight hours to experience muscle discomfort. This muscle recovery time is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). But it’s actually a sign your muscles are getting stronger!

The real question is, how can you get fast muscle recovery to curb the discomfort?

In the human body, there are more than six hundred muscles. The difference of what you do before and after a workout can affect how well these muscles will perform at your next exercise session.

Seven Quick Tips for Fast Muscle Recovery After a Workout

For people looking to get back in action fast, we’ve compiled a list of the top seven tips for muscle recovery.

Get Your Sleep

The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night. This is especially important after you workout. The muscle recovery time during sleep allows your body to repair broken down tissues and muscles.

Get sleep on a regular schedule to help keep your circadian rhythm tuned and your mind and body working together.

Stay Hydrated

Most people need thirty to forty ounces of fluid throughout the day. Drink fluids before, during, and after your workout for fast muscle recovery.

Incorporate fruit juice or a sports drink to replace electrolytes lost during the workout. Electrolytes help bring quick sugars to your blood and replenish lost minerals like:

    • Sodium
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium

Sports drinks are helpful in small doses, but most of your fluid intake should be water. Water helps carry nutrients to your cells and combat dehydration.

Remember to Stretch

One of the key elements of effective post-workout recovery is stretching. Give dynamic stretching a go before your workout to activate your muscles through a full range of motion. To start, try:

    • Hip circles
    • Lunge and twist
    • Arm circles

Do static stretching after a workout to help prevent injury. Hold the same position for forty-five seconds.

Try Ice Baths

Ice baths help to flush out lactic acid. Stay in the ice bath for ten minutes for the best exercise recovery. It helps muscle swelling and may even help you feel less fatigued.

Find the Right Foods

Look for foods rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Try foods like:

    • Flax seeds
    • Sweet potato
    • Almonds
    • Salmon

Eating foods like these can help fight inflammation and reduce muscle soreness.

Give Foam Rolling a Go

Foam rolling increases blood flow to your muscles. Foam roll to help your muscles recover after a hard workout by reducing inflammation and breaking down muscle knots.

Take a Break

It’s okay to take a break. Incorporate low impact activity into your workout routine once or twice a week to give your muscles time to rebuild. Try taking Epsom salt baths to reduce swelling.

Remember everyone’s muscle recovery process looks different. You have to find what works best for your fast muscle recovery. Consult with a medical professional if your sore muscles become muscle pain.

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About Shannon Clark

Shannon holds a degree in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer and fitness writer with over 10 years of industry experience.

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