7 Easy Tips to Organize Your Life (And Improve Your Health)

7 Easy Tips to Organize Your LifeDo you often find yourself completely blown away by how fast the previous week went by? Are you struggling daily to get everything done before midnight? Do you usually just give up, order junk food and watch TV instead of doing what you had to do? Then this guide is for you!

Living a successful and well organized life is not always as easy as it appears, but with a few important tips and better life choices, you might get there eventually.

What You Get in This Guide

Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix or easy solution for your lack of time or structure. It will take hard work and some noticeable changes of your lifestyle to reach the goal, but in return you will be rewarded by an improved health and an overall better life.

So, what do you actually have to lose? A nice big house with an equally big mortgage? One of your cars? Oh well, what comes easy, goes easy. And did you really need all that luxury after all, if it makes you feel miserable with yourself?

Here’s what you get in this guide, summarized:

  • How to reconsider your career and be happy
  • Start exercising regularly – at home, outside or at a gym
  • Plan your groceries shopping – write a shopping list (as simple as that?)
  • Improve your eating habits by cooking your own healthy food
  • Keep your home clean and get a better indoor climate
  • Stop drinking alcohol and feel better
  • Get a proper sleep every night (at least 7-9 hours)

#1. Reconsider Your Career

Did you really need that promotion, including 20 overtime hours every week?

The raise that came with it is probably nice to have, but do you really want to sacrifice your well-being for a few extra quid?

There’s no shame in stepping down for a while, to focus on your own well-being. After all, nobody thanks you if you’re worn out at 60 years of age, and you can’t expect any help either.

Give your current career a reconsideration, by asking yourself questions like these:

  • Do I look forward to the upcoming workweek?
  • Do I feel energetic when heading back home?
  • Do I feel excited when presented new challenges at work?
  • Am I usually in good standing with my boss?

If your answers aren’t “yes” to these questions, you should give your career a serious reconsideration. It might not be worth your valuable time and efforts after all, if it ends up making you feel miserable.

#2. Start Exercising Regularly

Improving your life isn’t only about having a great career. It’s also very important to stay in shape. You don’t need a six pack or the ability to bench press 300 pounds, but as long as you exercise regularly, it will do you good.

Regular exercise comes with a lot of benefits, and most people are surprised by how quickly they start feeling better, after doing regular exercising over no more than a few months.

These are some of the benefits, that come with regular exercising:

  • Improved productivity
  • Improved sex life
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved brain function

#3. Plan Your Groceries Shopping

This might seem like a basic thing, but for most people this is a very underrated optimization of their daily life. Have you ever caught yourself thinking “how much milk do I have left?” or “what should I buy for dinner today?” If yes, this advice applies to you as well.

Planning your groceries shopping is more than just writing a shopping list, although the shopping list is the key to success. You also need to plan your meals, especially the evening dinner, which is usually neglected due to most people feeling tired and/or lazy at the end of the day. So this is where a bit of planning comes in handy.

Here’s what you want to do:

  • Plan your meals one week at a time.
  • Find out which groceries you need to buy for all your meals.
  • Open your preferred notepad on your smartphone, and write down what you need.
  • During the week, the shopping list saved in your notepad app works as a reminder of what you need. Say you’re almost run out of toilet paper, this is where you want to write it down.
  • Shop your groceries once a week, on the day that suits you best.
  • Fill up your fridge, lean back, and enjoy not having to think of groceries shopping for another week.

#4. Improve Your Eating Habits

Improving your eating habits is of course related to planning your groceries shopping, which is why they go hand in hand. While planning your groceries shopping, you should increase your awareness of unhealthy foods. Unfortunately most processed food items are very unhealthy, as they contain high amounts of carbohydrates and saturated fats, which are very bad for you.

Improving your eating habits means eating more:

  • Fresh fish
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Green vegetables
  • etc…

And less:

  • Red meat
  • White bread
  • Potatoes
  • etc…

It is also worth mentioning, that healthy eating habits don’t necessarily mean cutting away all the sweet and savory stuff, you might just have to cut down on it, and reserve the weekends for pampering yourself with your favorite meal.

A great way to start off, is by always asking yourself: “Do I really need the XL package?” and “do I really need another portion?”

#5. Keep Your Home Clean

Keeping your home clean and tidy is actually a very important step when trying to improve your overall well being. You’ve probably tried once too often to come home after a long and stressful day at work, just to find your house ravaged and turned upside down, due to a busy week with no time for cleaning and organizing anything. There’s nothing worse than not being able to find anything, and it is also very unhealthy to live under such unsanitary conditions.

If you want to make it easier for yourself, you should start by getting rid of all excess carpets. That usually means the loose carpets placed between your sofas, under your dining table, along the hallway, etc. Remove them, and make the cleaning easier. Hard floors are always easier to keep clean, and as an added bonus you can buy a cheap robot vacuum and have it do the everyday cleaning for you.

To keep your home clean and tidy, this is what you want to do every week:

  • Put everything back where it belongs.
  • Vacuum your floors and other surfaces thoroughly.
  • Wipe off all tables, shelves and other surfaces.
  • Wash all your bed linen.

Once in a while you should also go through one room at a time, and divide all items into three piles: Keep, sell, trash. This is also a great exercise for kids, so they won’t hold on to excess things they don’t really need or want anymore.

If you need more advice on how to improve your cleaning habits of your home, you can find plenty of guides on Reviuu.com.

#6. Stop Drinking Alcohol

As harsh as it might sound, alcohol is actually very bad for you, even in small portions. Enjoying a glass of wine or a few beers during the weekends is usually not an issue, but you should try cutting down the alcohol consumption as much as possible.

Alcohol doesn’t only make your head spin and your jokes worse, it actually causes your body to dehydrate, which is usually part of the reason why you wake up with a headache after a night of extensive drinking. It also contains a high amount of calories, which eventually makes your level of body fat go up.

The effects of a night of heavy drinking can usually be felt several days after, due to the alcohol poisoning weakening your body and causing your organs to work extra hard to process it.

#7. Get a Proper Sleep Every Night

Getting a proper sleep every night is crucial for your general well-being. You probably already know the effects of just one nights insufficient sleep, and after a whole week you might not even feel alive anymore. Suffering from sleep deprivation is actually a very big deal, and on the long run it can cause some serious health problems if it isn’t cured properly.

If you suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation, this is the right time to consult a professional and have proper medication prescribed. One of many ways to fix it is sleeping pills, but they are usually only treating the symptoms, without fixing the underlying issues. This is where you need to dig deep and reconsider your lifestyle, to gain more time for sleep.

According to Sleepfoundation.org, this is how much you want to sleep every night, from the age of 14 and up:

  • 14-17 years: Between 8 and 10 hours.
  • 18-25 years: Between 7 and 9 hours.
  • 26-64 years: Between 7 and 9 hours.
  • Over 65 years: Between 7 and 8 hours.

As you might notice, the amount of sleep varies by a couple of hours. Some people are fully rested after just 7 hours of sleep, while others might need an extra couple of hours. This is why it isn’t a determining factor whether you get 7 or 9 hours or sleep, but how you feel during the day. If you feel fine and productive throughout the whole day, you’re usually well off and get plenty of sleep.

About Mark

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