9 Ways To Cope When Modern Life Gets You Down

We all feel like modern life is getting on top of us from time to time. The pressures of work, keeping up a constant social life, and challenges like parenting or changing jobs can be seriously draining for even the most accomplished extrovert.

When modern life starts to feel like it’s becoming too much, that’s when your coping mechanisms should kick in.

Here are 9 ways to cope when modern life gets you down…

Get in touch with your spiritual side

Whether you’ve always been down on spirituality or you’re curious but never had the chance to explore it, now’s the time. Why not look into your Zodiac compatibility (this is a great idea if you’re single)? How about starting a yoga course, or downloading a meditation app and relaxing yourself that way? However you choose to do it, spirituality can be the perfect way to improve your mental health and set you up for a more positive outlook.

Take a step back

It’s not always easy to do this, but when you’re feeling down, it can be a good idea to step back and take stock of what you do have. Try making a list of everything that you have in your life to be grateful for. If you absolutely can’t muster this (and that’s completely understandable), then try just writing down a single thing each day that you’re grateful for. This way, you’ll be able to take stock of all the things in your life that are worthwhile, and that should cheer you up a little.


You won’t always feel up to socialising, and that’s fine; it’s not always enjoyable to spend time with others, especially if they’re particularly extroverted people. Still, you should make time in your schedule to see people you enjoy spending time with. Socialising can bolster your mood in many ways. Naturally, you should choose people who don’t mind if you’re silent or not overly talkative for a little while. Don’t force yourself to be with people whose company you don’t enjoy.

Cook more meals

Research has shown that cooking your own food can have a significant impact on your mood. The process of cooking itself is therapeutic, and the meals you cook will inevitably be much healthier than fast-food alternatives. If you’ve never cooked before (don’t worry, there’s no shame in that), you could try simple meals to begin with; even a vegetable stir-fry or curry will be an easy way to bolster your nutrition levels and improve your mood.


Leaving the environment you’re familiar with broadens your horizons and opens you up to new experiences. You don’t have to go far if you’re anxious about leaving your home; you could simply travel to a new city in your home country or even a new part of the city you live in. When you travel, think about the things you love to do and try to make them a part of your experience. Is there a type of food you’ve always wanted to try? How about famous museums or art galleries you could visit?

Get some exercise

We’re not necessarily talking about a full-blown workout routine here, although those can certainly help with mental health troubles. No, even just taking a simple walk outside can lift your mood significantly. Anything that gets your body moving will release vital endorphins that will make life seem that much sweeter. The hardest part of exercising when you’re not feeling great is actually getting up and starting the routine. Take a podcast with you if you’re not up to the silence.

Be among nature

Living in a city environment can have a negative impact on your mental health and contribute to issues like depression, psychosis, and anxiety. While cities also have their positive qualities – inclusion, diversity, and convenience among them – it’s good to leave your urban environment and get out into nature every once in a while. Take a walk in a nearby forest, or if there aren’t any forests near you, try wandering through a park. There’s nature everywhere if you know where to look.

Cut out negativity

Certain things cause more negativity in you than you may realise. If you’re living in a toxic relationship and you can’t seem to break the cycle, that’s going to contribute to your negative mood. Take a long, hard look at your life and identify things that you think aren’t doing your happiness any favours. If you can, take immediate steps to cut them out of your life. If this isn’t possible, then make a long-term action plan and try to follow some of the steps each day.

Get into daily routines

Having a daily routine makes life just that little bit more bearable on a day-to-day basis. If you know that there’s something you’re going to do and you’re going to enjoy it, then you’ll be a little more optimistic about the day to come. While it’s not a good idea to get stuck in routines you don’t enjoy, that doesn’t mean you can’t get into positive routines and use them to lift yourself out of a bad mood. This is especially important if you work unsociable hours or don’t have a regular job.

About Shannon Clark

Shannon holds a degree in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer and fitness writer with over 10 years of industry experience.

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