Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diet and Exercise Tips


Few things are more important to your long-term well-being than building a positive, healthy regimen.

It’s easy to stay healthy when you are young because time and your body are on your side.

As you get older, however, and your body begins to break down, you need to find new ways of rejuvenating it and staving off the conditions which are part and parcel of the aging process.

Case in point: rheumatoid arthritis. This condition can cause your bones to become weak, brittle, and prone to breaking. Rheumatoid arthritis has two primary causes which are interrelated, aging and autoimmune issues, with the former being capable of greatly exacerbating the latter.

When you are young, your autoimmune system does a good job of building itself back up. When you get older, however, it needs an extra boost from exercises and programs such as the following.

Have an Exercise Plan

In order to build your autoimmune system back up, you’ll need an exercise plan that is up to the task. However, that doesn’t mean you should just start pumping weights or parkouring your heart out. When exercising with rheumatoid arthritis, there are certain factors you’ll need to take into consideration and certain exercises which can be more beneficial than others.

Take low-impact aerobics, for example. One of the most difficult things to account for when trying to build your body back up in the wake of rheumatoid arthritis is the fact that the condition can make your bones quite fragile and leave you fatigued. Both of these are huge danger signs and hindrances when working out. Aerobic exercise is vital not just for boosting your autoimmune system, but for improving cardiovascular and respiratory health as well, to say nothing of the mental benefits of a good run or yoga session.

That said, chances are you won’t be doing any lotus poses with arthritic bones, and running may be too much as well.

That’s why you’ll want to focus on aerobic exercise regimens that take a slow-but-steady and cumulative approach. Biking or power walking a little bit every day can add up in the end while helping you to avoid overtaxing your body. Shooting for 100 to 150 minutes of such activity per week can be a modest goal towards which rheumatoid arthritis patients can strive.

What’s more, while intense yoga is likely ruled out, that doesn’t mean you should give up on stretching altogether. Five to ten minutes of light stretching can help keep you limber, which in turn can help keep you mobile even while dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.

Another key aspect of men’s and women’s health is light weight training. You don’t need to pump iron like Mr. or Ms. Universe, and lifting too much may be dangerous with your arthritis anyway. To start, just try using light strengthening weights for a few repetitions a couple times a week and go from there.

Everyone’s body is different, so be sure to speak with a doctor or personal trainer about what type of men’s or women’s health and fitness routine is right for your rheumatoid arthritis, and you in general.

Have a Dietary Plan

You are what you eat, and never is that more true than here. Proper diet is a critical part of any men’s or women’s health regimen, and it’s especially important when it comes to combating symptoms of diseases and conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Some tips here include the following:

    • Reduce consumption of fatty foods
    • Reduce consumption of foods which can increase the risk of inflammation
    • Increase consumption of fruits, veggies, and foods and vitamins containing Omega-3 fatty acids
    • Increase consumption of whole grains

Above all, you want to make sure that you are maintaining a balanced diet that reduces your intake of fatty, sugary, or otherwise potentially inflammatory foodstuffs, and replaces them with healthy, often heart-smart foods.

One common stumbling block for patients faced with rebuilding their diet and health in the wake of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis is that planning their meals this way can seem overwhelming.

If that is the case for you, it may be worth considering trying a preset and pre-tested diet regimen such as The Paddison Program. Health programs such as these feature diets which are designed and tested specifically to help those with rheumatoid arthritis and similar conditions rebuild their bodies. The diet and exercise plans included in these programs feature the kind of attention to detail and balance which is essential to maximising your chances of recovery.


Don’t let rheumatoid arthritis get the last word in how you live your life. Rebuild your body with an impactful diet and exercise routine that works for you.

About Shannon Clark

Shannon holds a degree in Exercise Science and is a certified personal trainer and fitness writer with over 10 years of industry experience.

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