Tips to Build a Home Gym in Your Basement

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Everyone is busy nowadays, and so one of the reasons people most often list as to why they’re not going to the gym is not having the time.

Between going to work, cooking, shopping for food, and seeing friends and family, most working professionals don’t have enough time to go and train.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to that problem, and you might have already guessed it. That’s right. It’s building your own home gym.

As the pandemic showed us, building a small space to work out in at home can be done pretty easily, and you probably have an idea of how to do that.

But, if you want to learn how to turn a bigger space, more specifically, your basement, into a gym, then this article is just for you.

Six Steps to Turn Your Basement Into a Gym

Turning your basement into a home gym might sound to you like a big challenge, a hassle. But it doesn’t have to be that way if you have a plan and follow it to a tea. And that’s what we will help you do with our six steps.

1. Make Sure You Know How Much Space You Have

Knowing how much space you have is the key to picking the right pieces of equipment. If you know you’re in a large basement, and you can afford to have multiple pieces of equipment, then that’s great. But if you’re a bit tight on space and you know you will have to make compromises, it’s good to know ahead of time. With that said, the lack of space shouldn’t worry you all that much – to compensate for it, you can choose multi-purpose equipment or pieces of equipment that fold, for example, these folding squat racks.  That way, you will still be able to get all of the equipment you need.

2. Get Good Flooring

Heavy fitness equipment can damage your floors if they’re too delicate, and on the other hand, if it’s just concrete, then it can be uncomfortable for you to work out in. That’s why the second step is to consider your flooring. Typically, people choose a rubber option, but you can also opt for wall-to-wall carpeting as it’s much more pleasant to the eye, and it surely won’t have the rubbery smell that’s typical for gyms.

3. Think About Air Circulation

Even when you’re not working out, basements are typically places that have limited air supply. But when you start sweating and breathing heavily, that can quickly turn into an issue. That’s why it’s important that you think about the air circulation – you can install overhead fans to keep the air moving or an air conditioner to keep it cold if you live in a warmer area.

4. Ensure You Have Good Light

Even if your basement has windows and sunlight comes in during the day, it’s still worth considering installing overhead lights. Not only will they enable you to work out early in the morning and late at night, but they also can work as a motivating factor, as they make you feel more like you’re in an actual, commercial gym.

5. Get Secondhand Equipment When You Can

Buying brand-new fitness equipment can be extremely expensive, especially if you want to have racks, cardio machines, dumbbells, barbells – the whole thing. The costs of all that and the renovation of your basement can quickly add up to a large sum. And one way to decrease your expenses is by purchasing second-hand equipment when it’s possible. Plenty of people sell treadmills and exercise bikes online, either because they don’t use them or because they don’t have the space anymore. Many gyms that are closing also sell their equipment, such as dumbbells, weight plates, and barbells, which is another great money-saving option.

6. Make Sure to Have Some Entertainment

Working out in the quiet can feel lonely and make you less excited for your sesssion. We all know that gyms are typically loud – you have people talking, music pumping, the screens playing some motivating clips – all that adds to the experience.That’s why as extra accessories, you can consider investing in wireless speakers or a television. That way, you can watch your favourite show or listen to your hype playlist while training at home.

Last, But Not Least

When building your basement home gym, it’s important to consider what kind of training sessions you love doing the most. Do you enjoy pilates? Yoga? Strength training? Or just cardio?

Depending on your answer, you can opt for the best equipment possible that fits your needs and enables you to work out in the way you want to.

Don’t have a basement? Don’t worry, you can still have a home gym? If your budget extends to building something extra-ordinary consider a garden room gym. Your own, purpose built gym at home which you can design to suit your needs.

Hopefully, our article made you ready to start building your home basement gym, as you now have a fully-fledged plan with multiple steps to follow.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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