Walking Workouts for Beginners

walking exercise


No gym? No need to fret! Walking enables you to burn calories and can significantly benefit your general health and fitness levels. For a beginner, your focus should be on using good walking techniques and postures as you slowly build on your walking rhythm.

We recommend you start by trying the beginner walking walkout below in your home to get moving. It’s a workout that will only take 30 minutes to complete and is simple enough that you can even do it during your lunch break.

And the best part? It’s a whole body-strength workout!

Beginner Whole Body Walking Workout

  • Walking on the Spot: Start by lifting your knees until you notice the calf and thigh forming a right angle. Once achieved, lower that leg and repeat this procedure with the other leg while performing a walking motion. Although you’re not moving, this technique will assist in raising your heart rate, signaling the body to begin pumping more oxygen and blood to the brain and body.
  • Butt Kicks: Stand straight and proceed to put your feet apart, allowing for a shoulder-length distance. Take your left heel and bring it up to touch your butt by contracting the glute muscles. Repeat this butt kick 30 times, making sure to alternate heels. Try to build up your speed gradually. Butt kicks help in stabilizing your core and boosting hamstring muscle strength using your body as weight resistance.
  • Arm Cross: Stretch out your arms horizontally to your sides while standing straight and proceed to perform an arm cross. From here, bring both arms out and back as far as you possibly can, making sure to stretch your shoulder and chest. Repeat this process back and forth for at least 25 times. Arm crossovers provide an excellent opportunity to engage the muscles located in the upper body. It’s a workout that helps work your shoulders, upper back, arms, and chest. It can strengthen your core and improve your cardiac health.
  • Heel Tap Walk: Set your fit apart, leaving a hip-width distance between them and then straighten the legs in front of your body. While doing so, make sure that your ankle is bent and that the heel is touching the ground. From this position, bend the knee of the supporting leg and, at the same time, bring the arms forward. Repeat this process at least 40 times. The heel tap walk is a bodyweight aerobic exercise that improves your endurance level by focusing on the core.
  • Marching on the Spot: Last on this list of beginner walkout techniques to practice at home is marching on the spot. For this, you need to keep the knees up and move the opposite with the opposite knee. As you do so, remember to raise the opposite arm above your head every time you lift your knee. Do your best to remain in the same spot as you do this. The marching on-the-spot workout is good for coordination, knee mobility, balance, and endurance.

Beginner Tips to Help You Stay Safe While Walking

As you start walking to stay fit and improve your health, there are things you need to do to ensure your safety. Try to practice the following safety checks before starting your daily walk.

  • Leave Your Earbuds at Home: It’s not uncommon to find walkers and runners listening to music via earbuds while training. While this may prove beneficial when training indoors, the same is discouraged when outdoors. Earbuds make it hard to pay attention to your surroundings. They can prove distracting, making it even more challenging to hear approaching people, animals, and cars. If you must listen to music to remain motivated, consider using one earbud instead of both.
  • Make Yourself Visible: Wear reflective clothing if your walks will happen before dawn or after dusk. Other options include purchasing light-up armbands and vests for improved visibility. No matter the time of day, we recommend wearing bright colors to make you visible to bikers, drivers, and others using the same route. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents are on the rise. In 2020, there were 10 pedestrian fatalities in Spokane county, Washington alone.
  • Make Your Habits Known: It’s always a good idea to let another person know of your walking habits. For example, if you’ve someone living with you, mention the route you intend to follow during your walk. In general, you should share this information with friends and family. It’s also a good idea to avoid unlit streets, unpopulated areas, overgrown trails, and deserted streets.
  • Carry ID While Out for a Walk: You should always have identification on you. Metal bracelets that allow you to include essential information such as name, city, state of residence, and in-case-of-emergency contacts are a good hands-free option. You can also include additional information, such as medical history and allergies, and then attach it to a fitness tracker or band. An alternative to this is slipping your driver’s license into a secure pocket, cellphone case, or running belt.

Walking is a form of exercise that doesn’t require you to visit the gym or invest in expensive training gear. But similar to a running exercise program, there are do’s and don’ts you’ll want to adhere by.

The five walking workouts mentioned above will help you get started. As you exercise, make sure to observe the recommended safety checks for your safety and that of others.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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