Benefits of Using Screen of Green for Cannabis Planting

marijuana grow tips


In this era, where many people see the importance of cannabis plants in their lives, the need for an improved cannabis method hits the farming sector.

Not all the techniques work for cannabis growing and some result in the production of low-quality cannabis.

If you’re a cannabis grower, you must have come across several methods for growing cannabis and wonder how unique they are.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is an excellent psychoactive and non-psychoactive drug that offers many medicinal benefits. The plant plays a vital role as it is consumed for both medical and recreational purposes.

While you’re planning to take on the cannabis project, you should equip yourself with sufficient methods. Some of these methods have both benefits and drawbacks you should know.

Well, this article is going to focus on one important cultivation technology known as Screen of Green or SCROG in short form.

Read through to understand what this method entails and why you should incorporate it in your cannabis farming.

Benefits of the SCROG Technique

Using this Screen of Green method for growing cannabis improves the farming process and allows the farmer to carry out productive farming. This screening method is against tying the cannabis branches or any other cannabis farming practices that make other farming methods tiresome.

The screening method has a great impact as it doesn’t only provide a good grid, but also it is easy to feminize cannabis seeds. if you’re looking forward to a well-establishing Marijuana farming that also ensures less labor, then Screen of Screen becomes the best method to give a try.

Best for Growing Sativa and Indica Plants

This is one of the benefits of using the Screen of Green method for growing these types of cannabis plants. Sativa and Indica are outdoor grown marijuana plants. Home Grown Cannabis Company, a well-known marijuana planting company, Sativa and Indica plants are outdoor plants that cannot do well indoor. This is because the plants grow taller, especially during both early and pre-flowering stage. Therefore, they need Screen of Green technique to help them grow well and yield better harvests. If you’re planning to establish both Sativa and Indica Marijuana farm, then Screen of Green will make the best for you.

Screen of Green is Easy and Simple

Growing marijuana is not as easy as many people think, it involves a couple of practices from the early stage to the harvest stage. The use of a screening method makes the whole process easy and reliable. Once the plant is in the vegetative stage, all you need to do is to begin weaving the cannabis branches through the available screen. Also, cannabis forms a canopy, especially at an early stage. The use of a screening method makes it easy to trim unwanted leaves resulting in a neat plant.

Cannabis plants require proper attention, especially during the flowering stage. This is the stage where it grows tall, and without proper maintenance, cannabis will probably fill the grid, causing a lot of inconveniences during farming practices. Therefore, the Screen of green method highly results in a higher production with little work that if you’re a novice cannabis grower, and you want to harvest more, you should consider this as your best method for growing cannabis.

One of the Best Methods for Growing Quality Marijuana

The screen of green method of growing marijuana has many benefits, especially to the cannabis grower. Marijuana growing entails a couple of methods, but not all these methods produce high yield and quality marijuana. Some of the methods are tiresome and may hinder the cannabis productivity.

Growing cannabis using a screening method will result in homogenous buds. The branches of this plant are trained to hang over the screen inside the canopy. This helps the cannabis branches to be at the same distance from the lighting source. Moreover, flowers have a chance to access light, which is necessary for the flowering process. Therefore, using a screening method for growing cannabis will guarantee you quality cannabis products.

Screen of Green Method Saves Time

This is one of the wonders of depending on the screen method while growing cannabis. Cannabis is just a plant like any other, and it requires water to grown healthy. Some of the cannabis growing techniques are so rigid that they make it difficult for you during the watering process. Excessive irrigation is the common mistake many novice growers make. This has an impact on increasing moisture, which causes fungal pests that can affect the cannabis plant.

So, the use of the screen method saves time as you will have an easy time carrying out the irrigation process, as it favors both irrigation methods. For instance, if you employ hydroponic irrigation methods, you may only take plants from vegetative growth to flowering in about three weeks for the plant to mature.

SGROG is Ideal for High Yield Marijuana

Nothing made the growth of marijuana boring like production of low yield when you tried to invest in cannabis production. Screen of Green method is responsible for the production of high yield of marijuana products. It guarantees a quicker process just from the early to harvest stage.

The SGROG method allows the grower to apply the simplest farming tips that protect the plant from any environment destructors. For instance, the use of wire mesh as a practice of this method helps protect the farmer from the illegal harvest of the plants. So, you will only wait until the appropriate time for harvest then gives you a good yield.


Marijuana is an excellent plant that you should try out if you’re a professional farmer. It has both commercial value, medicinal value, and health value.

The demand for this product is extremely high because of its extensive list of uses. However, growing cannabis is not a joke and you must adopt the best technologies such as that brought about by the SGROG method.

The choice of screen method is the best cannabis growing method that you should rely on. It is ideal for easy cannabis maintenance, production of high-quality products, provide an easy time, among others. If you haven’t tried it yet, you should do it now.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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