How to Recharge Your Mind and Body When They Need a Break

brain mind body connectionAre you feeling drained and exhausted by daily life? Today’s society is constantly busy, working long days, eating meals on the go when you have time, and doing chores or errands in your spare time, it’s natural that you get exhausted and worn-out. The problem is if you start feeling like this all the time because it will affect your happiness and your productivity at work.

It’s important to recognize the signs that this is happening to you and it’s quite easy to tell. If you find that you’re constantly sick or coming down with something, you’re tired all the time but you have trouble sleeping, you’re often sad and you can’t say why, you’re neglecting your health and nutrition, and you’re too stressed about things that have happened that you can’t focus on the now, these are all clear signs that you need a break.

If you’re identifying with this situation, take a look at these suggestions to recharge your mind and body when they’re begging you to take a break.

How to Recharge Your Body

It becomes a lot easier to recharge mentally once you’ve focused on your physical health. Constant levels of stress can be a burden on your body even if you have an office job. Think about doing one of these activities to help you out:

1. Take a warm, exfoliating bath

A warm bath is extremely relaxing for your body. Try adding Epsom salts to your bath water, because they’ve been shown to remove toxins from your body, improve your muscle strength, and reduce inflammation. You should also try to use an exfoliating scrubs to improve your blood circulation. Try to find some with natural ingredients, and they will help keep your stress level low and boost your energy. For a bonus tip, consider adding aromatherapy to your daily routine by either getting essential oil massages to rub onto your body or a diffuser for the room. Scents like lavender and sage are particularly relaxing for those experiencing stress.

2. Upgrade your diet

The amount of energy you have is directly linked to your diet. Harry Dunn, a health writer at Australia2Write and Next Coursework, says that “it’s important that you eat balanced meals including complex carbohydrates such as whole grains or starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. If your schedule is too busy to cook healthy meals every day, consider making bulk meals to freeze or signing up for a healthy meal plan – it’s a worthwhile investment.”

3. Exercise

Get some regular exercise in, even if it’s a short walk in the neighborhood or a bike ride. Just ten minutes will make you feel energized for many hours afterward. You can also look at joining an organized sports league, many of them take all levels including beginners and the social aspect will also improve your outlook. If group sports are not for you, consider taking a yoga class, or signing up for a workout class at your local gym. Exercise has been shown to not only improve your body health but also releases endorphins which increase your happiness and lowers your stress levels.

4. Sleep more

Sleep is the best thing you can do to recharge your body and all experts agree that you should be getting between 7 to 9 hours a night. Anything less will not only impact your happiness and stress during the day but risks causing you serious health problems down the line. Try to get a regular sleep habit by going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day, and make sure you’re sleeping in a dark room and other good sleeping habits.

How to Recharge Your Mind

It’s not enough to just focus on your physical health; it’s just as important to recharge your mind to avoid burnout at work. Here are some suggested activities to help you reset your mind:

1. Have a fun getaway

A change of scenery cannot be overstated for promoting mental health. You can go all out and plan a vacation in a sunny destination, or if you don’t have the time or cash, it’s enough to spend a weekend out of town with friends or family. Spending time with happy people will rub off on you and make you feel happier. Try to get some sun because vitamin D has been proven to improve your mental outlook.

2. Disconnect from technology

You should take a break from your phone and social media. As Jeremy Larkin, a lifestyle blogger at 1Day2Write and WriteMyX explains, “seeing the presumably ‘perfect’ lives that others lead on social media can be extremely draining, even if you know that it’s an illusion. Instead, take this opportunity to limit your time on your phone altogether, and social media specifically. Try to download an app that tracks your time on each social media app and suggests reductions.”

3. Write in a diary or journal

Writing in a journal is a great stress reducer because it allows you to express your feelings in a safe, private space. Writing for only 5 minutes a day at the start or end will be very beneficial and helpful to figure out problems or emotions you’re facing. If you’re not a great writer, you can do something else artsy that expresses your feelings, like drawing or coloring.

About the Author:

Michael Dehoyos, a writer and editor at Academic Brits and Coursework Help, helps people with various lifestyle goals and is passionate about health and nutrition. He has written many articles about work-life balance, fitness and how individuals and businesses can work together to improve the health of their employees. You can also find his work at PhD Kingdom.

About Mark

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